

So the other day when we walked in to the delivery unit at the hospital where my sister-in-law was having her baby, we had to stop to talk to a receptionist. She took one look at me, and said something to the effect of, "You look like you should be checking in here yourself!"

I still have two months left, and that came from a woman who sees women at full term every day. Sheesh.


  1. You should post some photos of you and Cory, we hardly ever see you (but tons of cute pictures of Breanne). Did you pick a name for the new baby yet?

  2. for lack of a better place to respond to your comment I respond here. The answer is there is no point where you don't have to cite people. The academy is very much a "politically correct" arena. So your papers (unless you're uber famous and amazing or something I guess) will always reference other authors. You cite what the other work is in the area you are researching (because if you did deep enough it is highly unlikely NO ONE has conjectured similar things to what you thought up) and then you kind of talk about how what you are saying is a new twist on things. How what you're saying is a departure. What kind of evidence did you use to support? What field was this in too? Way to go on going to a conference! Were you presenting by yourself or with another faculty member? Unfortunately a big part of getting respect and getting people to listen to you in academia is paying your dues and suffering through graduate school. Lame but true. So hold on to those genius ideas and rewrite it in grad school or after and then you'll get more respect.

  3. Yeah, I don't mean leaving out all references--of course other people are making similar arguments--otherwise it probably wouldn't be valid. I just mean that whole "putting a new twist on things" bit--even that was questioned, it seemed. But at some point you have to say something at least somewhat original, or else what is the point of saying anything at all? I just found it all incredibly frustrating. I definitely do plan to continue, though. Just not right now.

    And as for the pics of me and Cory--it's difficult, because I'm pretty much always behind the camera, and Cory is always at school and work. But I'm working on it. I would like to get some decent shots of me pregnant... if only those existed! :) Hopefully we'll have some of those forthcoming, though.

  4. HAHAHA! That kills me. I can't believe she said that. When I had 8 weeks left someone said, "you have 8 weeks, you're going to be huge!" I gained 35 pounds the first time. WOAH!
