
Some thoughts on names...

So everyone keeps asking what we're going to name our baby girl. A valid question, seeing as she'll be here in less than 2 months. Unfortunately, the answer is that we honestly don't know. However, last night we were able to sit down and come up with a few names we like... just not sure what to use. Here are some of our ideas, feel free to give us feedback, if you want.

Cailin Danielle (Pronounced KAY-lynn, emphasis on the Kay, not the lynn)
Janie Renae
Jainy Ranae
Abigail Paige
Hailey Renae
Sarah Paige

We don't have any huge attachment to any of the names (they aren't family names or anything), just names that we kinda like, and are thinking about. Hopefully we'll have it a little more narrowed down by the time this baby girl comes.


  1. If you take Sarah, I might have to punch you :) I suppose there isn't any sort of law about names and claiming them, but that's a name that me and Shi have considered seriously (Audrey was pretty close to being a Sarah at one point I think). Of course, now that I have said anything, that is going to be your new baby's name (regardless of how either of you feel about it :))

    As for the rest, I have to admit that I am not a big fan of parents who spell their kid's names funny (not that any of your choices are all that funny). But the difference between "Janie" and "Jainy" for instance... the first shows up as a correct spelling from my Firefox spell checker (in this comment window) the second shows up as a misspelled word. I know that really doesn't matter with names... you can spell them however you want.

    The rule that I am trying to live by is that if I have to explain to someone reading my child's name how they are supposed to pronounce it, then it probably isn't a good name. But that's just me, and you should do whatever you want :D

  2. Yeah, I'd forgotten that you guys liked Sarah too... Sarah and Elizabeth, right? :) The reason we like those as much as we do (or at least part of the reason) is because those are the names of the two women Cory and I are related through, the daughters of Richard Warren. So I guess those ones are technically family names... but Sarah isn't at the top of our list... probably.

    And I like to think that Cailin is pretty self-explanatory, since we don't spell it KayLynn, but you never know. I thought I should be clear about the pronunciation, though, during the name-choosing process. We want accurate opinions.

    My last name shows up as misspelled, too, so I guess I'm not so concerned about that. :)

    And last but not least, don't worry, we will do whatever we want. :) Just thought I'd try to quiet some of the questions about what our name choices are.

  3. Jessie, have you checked out either of these websites, very cool http://www.nymbler.com/nymbler/find-names.php

    We've also thought about the name Abigail...but as a middle name cuz its so popular right now. Name picking, so fun! Someday I'll be ready to have a baby so we can use them. :)

  4. I like Abby, Hailey, and Sarah. They are such classic names.

    I guarantee you will pick the right name though. :)
