
Update to "Funny things Cory has said lately"

When Breanne played first the f key, then the b, all he had to say was,

"Can you say "Tritone?"

Who says that to a toddler, seriously? But he was just that--absolutely serious. (He also tried to teach her the a natural minor scale today, but that didn't go over so well, either.)


  1. Yeah, just like you weren't seriously chasing her down the hall at my house last week trying to get her to read 'lion' or 'tiger' on the MagnaDoodle, when all she would say was 'owl'. She wins again!!! Amazing daughter of the amazing daughter.

  2. okay, that wasn't really Jack, nor is this. It's me using his logon...

  3. No. That was totally serious. Whoever said I wasn't was grossly misinformed.

    And who wins what again?
