
Apparently Breanne isn't the only one who likes her new bed...

So last night Cory and I were getting Breanne ready for bed like usual, and Cory asked her if she wanted to get into her new bed. She said no (of course, that's her response to pretty much anything these days...), so he said something to the effect of "fine, I'll sleep in it, then!" and hopped in. Within probably 30 seconds, Cory was breathing heavily... lately he has had an amazing knack for falling asleep fast. He was so out that he didn't even wake up for the flash of my pictures...

Breanne playing with her toys while dad slept... She put that ball in his hand after he fell asleep, and he didn't wake up. Poor tired guy. :)

And I just had to show off Breanne's great new shelves... okay, not that great, but I'm excited she has them and they're pretty much done. A little more organization... check!


  1. That is awesome. Nice picture. Also nice shelves. I liked that Breanne was just happily playing with her toys as Cory slept in her bed. That teaches her.

  2. I didn't even know you took pictures.

  3. That is awesome. The shot of Breanne playing on the floor while dad sleeps in the little bed is a great picture.

  4. I love the picture of her playing and daddy sleeping. Too bad it's not the other way around enough!!!

    Her room looks great!

  5. haha that is so funny! I love it!
