
Sometimes I'm pretty sure we're crazy.

So Cory and I have been talking about getting another car for quite a while now--very basic things, like grocery shopping and getting to doctors appointments have become somewhat difficult since Cory started working up in Salt Lake last summer. Also, Cory's commute is killing our already ailing car, so we wanted something more reliable. We started discussing this more seriously the last few weeks, as the doctors appointments kept piling up for the girls, prescriptions and groceries needed to be picked up, etc. etc., and we discovered that our car had another couple hundred dollars of work needed to bring it back up to what it needs to be to drive to SL every day, so by the time the Larry H Miller sale flier came this week, we were pretty ready to actually consider buying a car. We figured that even though we don't really want another monthly payment, it would be much easier than trying to come up with a reasonable amount of cash to buy something used from the paper or KSL's car guide that would be any better than what we have now. So last night I sent Cory to the dealership to check out what was available, and to make sure it was all legit. He came back pretty excited about what he'd seen, so tonight we went in together to see what we could find.

Here it is:

Ok, ok, I didn't take that picture, but by the time we were finished with all the paperwork, it was too dark to take a picture. Maybe I'll post something tomorrow.

Anyway, it's a 2006 Hyundai Elantra. A little bit more than we were hoping to pay every month, but comes with all kinds of warranties, and it only has 20,000 miles on it. I am scared out of my mind about having more debt, but I know that we're capable of paying for it (as long as we are careful with our spending, and are willing to work, which we are), and we are so excited to have a car that doesn't feel like it's about to fall apart every time we go anywhere! One of the great things about it for me is that I now have a car to drive around Provo--I can go to the grocery store whenever I want! I can take the girls to the library, or a farther away park, or wherever we want to go! I can get my boxes of stuff to the DI without having to remind Cory a million times to do it. It makes me very, very happy. And I don't have to worry so much about Cory having a break-down somewhere between here and his work every day. I am so excited about that. And to make things even better, I don't know if I've ever seen Cory this excited. Or at least not since he got his last free laptop from Apple.

Oh, did I mention it's a stick? I don't even know how to drive one of those, but I'm excited to finally learn. I understand the concept, but I've just never had the opportunity to do it before--I'm even excited to learn. Good times.


  1. Congrats! We bought a Hyundai Sonata last June and love it.

  2. Welcome to stick-shift driving! I'll never buy a car with an automatic transmission.

  3. What a difference a week makes...

  4. yea! new card are so great. I hear good things about Hyundai's these days.

  5. Congrats on the new car! It was a stressful day when I bought mine, for sure! And good luck with driving a stick while trying to hold bottles, find bikinis, etc. :) Ha ha.

  6. I felt a deep sense of accomplishment when Brandon finally taught me how to drive a stick. Good luck and have fun! :)
