
We're getting old...

27 Things I Love About Cory:

1. He loves me.

2. He is a fantastic dad.

3. He helped design our flowerbed, and actually cared about how it came out.

4. He helped prep our garden area, and will watch the girls while I put in the veggies and seeds.

5. He is a fantastic chef.

6. He helps me reach out of my comfort zone and try new things.

7. He lets me vent, and even agrees with me sometimes.

8. He teaches me all sorts of computer things.

9. He thinks I'm a cool wife.

10. He got up with Breanne every time she cried at night during my whole pregnancy with Janey.

11. He provides for our family, and never complains about it.

12. He's been working on school while working and supporting a family of 3, now 4.

13. He knows most everything about computer problems, it seems--without him, I'd have no idea how to fix my computer most of the time.

14. He has taught me the ways of the Mac, and I like it.

15. He goes with me to crazy parties with people he doesn't (or does barely) know, just because I want to, even if it is on his birthday.

16. He helps me throw fantastic dinner parties, regularly.

17. He mows the lawn, and just laughs when I videotape him doing it.

18. He puts away the laundry I fold, when I ask him to.

19. He takes out the trash.

20. He is willing to exercise with me, even though I'm much slower than he is.

21. After nearly 4 years of marriage, he still likes to kiss me and spend time with me.

22. He gives the girls baths almost every night, and reads them bedtime stories.

23. He helps me decide how to best raise the girls, and fully supports everything I do with them.

24. He doesn't feel like he was coerced into marrying me (or at least won't admit it if he was) by my sometimes crazy family.

25. He loves my crazy family.

26. He has allowed me to be a part of his family.

27. We have worked together to create our own beautiful family.

Happy birthday yesterday, Cory. I love you.