
Great New Movie

So I just found out that tomorrow (well, technically today, Wednesday, but I'm going to sleep between now and then...) there will be a free screening of The Errand of Angels at Thanksgiving Point at 7:30pm. This is a great new movie that Cory's work will be putting it in theaters this fall, and I'd highly encourage you to go if you have the time. You'll need a free ticket, which can be found here, just click on the link to the printable ticket. You can also watch the trailer at that site. Feel free to tell others about the screening, too, and take a couple friends with you. Just make sure to get there a little early so you can hopefully get a seat... sorry again about that, Becky.

The movie is about a girl who receives her mission call and serves in Austria. I never served a mission, but I hear that it pretty accurately portrays what missionaries go through, and it is beautifully put together. I really enjoyed it when I saw it at the LDS Film Festival a few months ago, and I hope you like it too. If you do go see it, please let me know what you think (just because I want to know).


  1. Where did you get your new background?

  2. I got it from here: http://scrapgrounds.blogspot.com/, thanks again Aliese! But just so you know, there seems to be something wrong with the site, so Cory had to help me with it all. For some reason, the links aren't working, so we just downloaded the photo, and adjusted it to fit how we like it. They have way cute stuff on there, though. That's also where I got my previous background, if you're wondering.

  3. That movie sounds pretty good. When does it come to theaters?

  4. In theaters August 22nd. And the screening went well. Unlike the huge "Stalking Santa" screening last year, they only had to turn away maybe 20 people.

  5. Yay! I'm so glad you were able to make one work for you...Interesting that you said the links weren't working right though. Must have been an issue with Blogger at that particular moment. I love seeing what people do with my random little scrapbook pages.

  6. The problem was with photobucket.com. Their site wasn't working right.
