
4th of July

So it's been a while since I posted any pics, but I found this sequence that I had to share--we'd just gotten back from the Provo Parade, which Breanne seemed to really enjoy, and I made the girls pose for a few pics. Cory just helped me put them into a collage on Picasa (my first time! Yay!), since his computer is updated enough to do that, even as a Mac. Anyway, without further ado, here are the pictures:


  1. you must tell me how to do that collage thing. i love seeing their faces change, second by second. i have lots of sets of shots like that--some i've taken, some you've taken, some audrey's dad has taken. but if you'll tell me how to make the collage, i'll take credit for all of them. and the collage... :)

    so glad you share these.

  2. Your little girls are so cute! It was great to find your blog! It's been too long...:)
