
I Got a Haircut (I really got a haircut...)

Does anyone else ever hear that song from probably the Disney Channel back in the day running through their heads when they hear the line "I got a haircut"?

Back to the point--


subtract this:

equals this:

I really wanted a change, and my hair was starting to fall out in clumps (post pregnancy wonder), so I decided to chop off a bunch. I wasn't going to go quite so short, but I decided to donate it, and wanted to be sure it'd be long enough for that, so this is what happened. Whaddaya think?


  1. I think the shape is SO much better for your face. Longer hair made your face more oblong, but this gives it a better shape. Well done.

  2. I always liked you with long hair, and your hair was super long before. I think you look cute either way. I'll bet it's nice to have short hair - I doubt I'll be brave enough to chop mine.

  3. I like it! Long hair does have its perks, but short hair suits your face shape very well. Well done!

  4. I like it a lot. Nothing like getting rid of excess hair in all of this summer heat! I might follow your example!

  5. 1. i love your beautiful long healthy hair.
    2. i think your new haircut is adorable.
    3. i think you're amazing, both the new cut and your willingness to cut off so much to help someone else.

  6. Fabulous! Even more fabulous that you donated it...That's definitely one of my favorite things to do.

  7. I love it-super cute! Also I think you cut it the day you hung out with us. The chinese place we got the food from is on old state street- on your way out to springville. It looks kind of questionable- and has a big sign that says lunch specials $4.95 and up. From my house you go back to state street and turn right/south and it's only like 3 or 4 blocks down. I don't remember the name of it though. As for pictures of your cute girls- my camera has been lost so all the pictures I posted were from my mom. Mandi has some cute pictures of you and your girls though- check her blog out- she has some posted right now.
