
Memory Meme

Ok, so I was just catching up on blogs I read, and found this post on my friend Janet's page, which I'd like to do here. I, probably like most of you, have been thinking a lot about my memories of Craig, and while I have really enjoyed remembering all the crazy and fun times, I can't help but wish he was here to remember them with me. This may sound a bit selfish, but I'd at least like to have that opportunity to do this with all of you, so here's the tag:

The Memory Post

1. As a comment on my blog, leave a memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot, anything you remember! If we're only blogging friends, write about a post that is most memorable.

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll be sure to write one about you... either on your blog, in my comment box, or I will email you back!

3. If the memory happens to involve my husband or kids, please include them!

4. If you can't say something nice, don't say nothin' at all ☺

And please do this on your page, too, so we can all share in the fun times together. :)


  1. Okay, so I thought for a while about a good memory with the two of us. I came up with this one. Remember when we were on Band Tour back when Craig and Mark were drum majors? I wanted to make Mark so jealous, and you wanted to make someone jealous (I cannot for the life of me remember who). So we spent the whole tour with Craig (Swenson) and Devin trying to make our boys jealous. The funny thing was that I ended up really liking Devin, and then you ended up his girlfriend at the end of the year. SILLY!

  2. Haha, that was a ridiculous time. And honestly, not one that I'm very proud of. However, I think you remember it slightly wrong... I'm pretty sure you were trying to make Craig jealous, and I was going for Mark... what crazy girls we were. And not only did things end up weird with the whole Devin thing, but I held Craig Swenson's hand on that trip... wow, we really weren't very nice. I'm glad they were still our friends after that.

    Have I mentioned how glad I am to be married? :)

  3. That one time you hucked a shoe at me at MUN. And how we wrote a resolution in support of hemp in exchange for getting another country to vote yes on something. Good times.

  4. Hang on, hang on, did I really throw a shoe at you, Brandon? Or did you just steal it and throw it down the escalator?

    Those were indeed good times. Who knew that Russia and Israel could be friends? And watching Matt stick his insulin pen into his leg through his pants... wow.

  5. Was it eighth or ninth grade math where we always switched calculators so you could play Tetris? :)

  6. Well, we didn't really ever spend a ridiculous amount of time together in high school but I remember distinctly that I had NO CLUE you and Stu were siblings for literally MONTHS! I apparently wasn't to quick.

  7. My favorite memory is the day I came to Logan so you could try on wedding dresses. I thought it would go like this: 1. You'll try on a couple of dresses. 2. I'll love them all. 3. You'll pick one. 4. We'll go to dinner. Instead, you came out in the first dress and I was completely overcome by how beautiful you were. I had always thought you were the cutest girl around, no competition, but when I saw you, radiantly glowing, so in love, I was overwhelmed. And when you returned a few minutes later wearing the dress and the veil, well, it was an amazingly touching moment that I will always treasure and hold in my heart.

  8. Who can forget the countless hours spent in summer band, marching band and wind symphony? I remember going on tour and we spent the last day at Universal Studios. I specifically remember how late that night, before we were to board the bus, you and I perused the stores while everyone else went on more rides. I still have a photo of you posing for a picture with your hands and head through some "made-specifically-for-embarassing-photos" thingy. (Wow, that was incredibly specific huh?)

  9. My favorite memory is when you and Tannie came back from drum major camp in Vegas and you had made up the cutest girl drum major salute ever. You two were so sharp as you looked over your sunglasses in unison and blew a kiss at the end. I hoped you would do that salute everytime I watched a performance begin. You were a great leader in that band.

  10. My fave memories come from conversation after conversation of trying to figure out how we knew each other! Good ol' Mr. Dunnebacke's chemisty class! I also remember Mr. Tucker's class when I sat under the clock so I couldn't see how much time was left so I would sign something at you and you would sign me back the time. Ah the good ol' days!

  11. I actually remember babysitting you.. which seems so weird because I am not much older. I also have great memories at girls camp with you and your fabulous mom! So glad to see you so happy with a handsome husband and two adorable little girls!

  12. My favorite memory is the time when you were nine months old, your first summer outside by the wading pool and you were walking beside the pool when you stepped on one of those fuzzy black and white spotted jumpin' spiders. At first, you seemed confused and then you cried out and I picked you up and you held your foot up and the spider was smashed between your toes. You may not remember this memory, but I do and I will never forget the gratitude you showed when I saved you from that rotten spider.

    You have been afraid of spiders since and for a while, you were also afraid of black ants and small clumps of black thread on the floor.

  13. Jessie!
    Thanks for that sweet memory... I know you far surpassed any musical talents I ever had. I remember you at family get togethers and girls camp! Who could forget girls camp and what so many people have said, how SWEET you are.

  14. I have some good ones. I remember the girl scout sleep over at your house. I remember making cookies and taking to any new girl who ever moved into our ward. I remember you and Lacie sleeping over so I could do your hair for the 9th grade dance and I remember doing your hair for your wedding! Ahhh I hope it turned out good!

  15. okay, just one more. I remember

    1. Running through the neighbors' sprinklers when we walked and talked at night, laughing maniacally, the summer before you left for college.

    2. That one time when you told your dad that your mom was taking over your blog so she stopped posting comments unless specifically invited by name. (Can mom's use "JK" because I am?!)

  16. ps can you delete that inadvertent hyphen?

  17. Okay, seriously just one more.

    Remember the kazoos?

  18. Well, miss Jessie, I too remember you at camp, and what a cutie you are and have always been, but one of my favorite memories of you--and it's a small one, but sometimes small memories tell a lot about a person, I think--is how friendly and open you are. You came up to me and John at one of the jazz concerts to say hi, which you didn't have to do, and heaven knows what a madhouse those concerts are--so nice to have that friendly hello from you. And I remember you coming over for the hair extravaganzas in our basement. Glad in all those nice memories about Sophie doing your hair, you didn't mention what an utter and complete porqueria, aka, sty, our basement was. Glad you continued this meme, and I'm always glad to see the pictures of you and your darling girls!

  19. also, I wanted to say thank you for that lovely memory you posted on my blog. very, very sweet.
