
Hamera, Mom?

So the other night, Breanne, Janey and I were in the living room watching a show, or so I thought... All of a sudden Breanne walked back into the room, requesting me to get the camera--"hamera, mom. Hamera peese!" she said. I looked over at her, and found her dressed basically how she looks in the pictures below (I adjusted the straps on my tank top to fit her more like a dress, but the rest she did completely on her own). I just thought it was hilarious that 1.) she had gotten out my clothes and put them on herself without me noticing, and 2.) that she requested (almost to a demand, even) that I take her picture in said clothes. Crazy girl.


  1. You will see some of these on my blog also. Creative girl.

  2. What a cutie! She may even be showing some affintiy to fashion here...maybe she's ahead of her time!

  3. I love all your posts about your girls! I would like to meet them someday. We could get your two girls and my (soon to be) two boys together to play.
