
Things I Love To Find

So the other day I left Janey and Breanne in their bedroom for a minute while I went to do some laundry or something, and when I came back upstairs, the girls seemed to be happy in their room, so I left them there to do a few more chores. When I finally peeked in on them again, this is what I found:

I helped Janey sit up, and they continued to play for another half hour or so--I love that they are such sweet sisters, and that Janey is getting old enough to play with Breanne. I just hope that they will continue to be friends as they grow up--I know nothing about keeping sisters happy... but I'll do my best to do so. I want more of these sorts of pictures.


  1. That's pretty much one of the most adorable things I've ever seen.

  2. Ok. That last picture is SO cute! I love that they play together! And probably my only advice to keep them getting along as they get older is to make sure they don't steal each other's clothes. That was probably the biggest issue with my sisters. Sometimes still is...

  3. I love how cute they are playing together! It's funny, I was thinking the exact same thing that Katie said about keeping sisters happy: the clothing problem. I think all sisters close enough in age have that problem.

  4. I should know this but are you the only girl in your family...besides your mom of course?

    No worries though if they tend to fight as they get older they'll most likely end up best friends again when they move out of the house. That's how it worked for me and my sister. Oh and yes it was the clothes issue that made my sister usually upset with me. :)
