
What to do with all these cookie cutters? or Getting Breanne to eat PB'n'J

Sometimes Breanne just wants to scoop all the pb&j off her sandwich with her finger, and leave the bread. Sometimes I let her get away with this (she's still getting some of the important stuff, right?) but sometimes I worry about her getting enough to eat. So this is a new solution I came up with--a couple months ago, my grandma gave us 2 buckets of cookie cutters. One bucket was all the letters and numbers, with some punctuation, and the other was a bucket full of animals. It was really a very nice gesture, but it resulted in us having a new 100 cookie cutters that end up all over our house. So while I see the potential fun that could be had with all these cookie cutters, I also want to put them someplace... where I won't be tempted to just throw them away. Not that I ever would, but sometimes... Anyway, I decided to start cutting Breanne's sandwiches into fun shapes, to see if she'd be more likely to eat them. And guess what? She was! She ate her entire "B" and most of her "K" this day, plus the "b" holes. A minor victory for me.

Please don't mind, or even notice, all the mess in the background of these pics... I'd just received a shipment of books, gathered a bunch of stuff to take out of our house, and assembled our wagon, and it's all strewn out behind Breanne for some reason.  Oh, and we get a Sunday newspaper... this was taken on a Monday.  I promise my house isn't *always* a disaster.


  1. What adorable posts! Green pj's, yummy sandwiches, falling asleep in the wagon. I love it!

  2. It's a good thing that you pointed out the mess in the background that you didn't want us to see... that I wouldn't have notice if you hadn't mentioned it. : ) Breanne is just too cute!

  3. You know there is no such thing as a small victory when it comes to getting a kid to eat pb&j, right? It simply must be a staple throughout life especially when it's on yummy wheat bread. What a great way to encourage healthy eating. Smart mom.

  4. What a great idea. I'm glad you found a use for them. We've been using them to help Brayden with his spelling words in school and he loves it. I'll have to try those out with a sandwich especially since Brayden is so picky.

  5. You are such a smart mommy! I always think that Peter eats too little and it's hard to get creative sometimes. I'll have to try the cookie-cutter technique when he gets old enough to like it!

  6. That is such a great idea! You don't need 100 cookie cutters, right? Send some my way. Do you want my address? I'll take the letters J, W, and A. :)

    So I don't think you need worry about your "messy" house. At least you have an excuse. Some days my only excuse is I'm lazy or I'm spending too much time blogging. :P
