

So in an effort to make our house a little nicer, we moved some furniture around last week. Because of this, we ended up moving our beloved record player out into a more open area in our front room, which has allowed us to actually utilize it... something we haven't done in a while. Like since Breanne was born while, I think. Anyways, so as soon as we had everything moved, Cory of course pulled out some old rock records, and put one on, which inspired some impromptu dance moves from Breanne...

Even Hazel, the cat, wanted in on the action:

And Janey was doing her own thing with me over on the couch:

I love nights when we get to just hang out together at home and do what we want. So nice.


  1. That's completely adorable. My dad still has his record player and HUNDREDS of "albums." We love to go through them and listen to the "high quality" sound. :)

  2. Janey looks so cute in those pics! I love her big eyes!

  3. Awww, Janey is getting so big, and what good sitting! Scott still isn't good at sitting, he always falls down, lol. Hooray for moving furniture around! I love it, it makes the house feel fresh and new.
