
I Need Your Help.

Yes, I mean you.  All you lurkers out there, time to step into the light and give me a hand.

5 Minutes for Mom is having a contest for $500 in free groceries for the best photo related to "family, food and fun."  So I'm trying to decide what photo to use--these are the two that I've narrowed it down to, but Cory and I can't decide which to use.  I'd really appreciate it if you'd all weigh in and leave me a comment with which photo you think I should use.  I'll accept answers for the next couple of days, but then I'm going to enter (last time they were giving away a free kids bedroom set and I totally forgot to answer because I didn't do it right when I was thinking about it... very frustrating).  Thanks for your help, and if you're a mom or dad yourself, feel free to enter, too.  

Here are the photos.  (I have better, bigger, cropped versions of them that I'll post for reals later--blogger is being retarded and won't pull up my newer versions of these pics, so these are stolen from the original post at the beginning of October.)


  1. Food hanging out of the mouth is always best.

  2. I like picture number one... Her smile is great and you can see what the letters are.

  3. I have to agree with Shi, although they are both really cute.

  4. I'm gonna have to tie it up- I like the one with the food hanging out of her mouth, what's more fun than that?!

  5. It's a tough one, but I'll have to go with.... um.... the.... wow, I'm breaking a tie, that's all sorts of pressure.... the first one.

  6. I'd say the second one. They are both cute though.

  7. Can you just send them both?? Sheesh, this is hard. I think either of them would be a winner . I am no help =)
