
Yummy Stuff

So today I made a new recipe--Salsa Chicken and Black Bean Soup. I thought it was delicious. The site I found it on, if you aren't familiar with it already, is entitled "A Year of CrockPotting," and it's run by a girl who is making something in her crockpot every day. I've really enjoyed looking at all the things she's made, and trying out a few of the things myself.

Anyways, I thought the soup was great--my beans weren't quite done cooking after 6 hours on high, though, which was disappointing, since I also soaked them all night last night. I also omitted the mushrooms, and used (drained) canned corn instead of frozen. Cory ate a bowl full over rice, but didn't love the soup... but he doesn't love many soups. My brother- and sister-in law ate with us tonight, too--my brother-in-law ate two bowls full, my sister-in-law (who is super super picky... :) ate exactly one half a bite with zero beans in it. All in all, I though, I thought it went over pretty well--it wasn't nearly as spicy as I expected it to be, with 2 cups of salsa in it and all, but it had a great flavor. I love using my crockpot, it makes my evening so much easier when I don't have to figure out what to cook at the last minute. I've always thought meal planning was a good idea in theory, but we've never implemented it around here (Cory doesn't like the ridgidity of the schedule...), so I always feel like I'm scrambling for a meal at the last minute. I love it when it's already taken care of.


  1. For the record, that bit of chicken tasted great! I'm just not a big bean and corn person. Among other things... haha But again, thanks for inviting us over. We had fun!

  2. Katie is super picky! You took quite the risk inviting her over for dinner, but that soup sounds yummy! I love using the crock pot too!!
