
Happy (Belated) Holidays!

So I don't know about you, but we had some great holidays this year.  We tried really hard to keep things small, and it made things so much nicer--so much less stress!  And, sadly, I don't have a single picture of the girls opening presents--some great video, but I don't know how to upload that yet (and I can't do it on my slow old compy, anyways, so you'll just have to wait).  Suffice it to say, Breanne was very excited about her new slide (we found it at a yard sale a couple weeks before Christmas... bonus!), and insisted on sliding down it many times before finally getting around to opening her stocking and her presents.  And she almost didn't want to open anything after finding the Pony and Batman bandaids at the top of her stocking, too.  What a funny girl.  Janey didn't open much, but she did like all the soft stuffed animals she received, and her little doll (she immediately took to sucking on her face... silly girl).  

We were able to focus more on our little family this year, which really helped me remember the important things we really celebrate at this time of year.  In years past, there's been so much hustle nad bustle that I was just exhausted all day--this year, we spent Christmas Eve up at my parent's and grandparent's homes, and then visited Cory's family on Christmas day, and had my parents and brothers down for dinner at our house.  I had just tossed together a quick crockpot meal, which worked out wonderfully.  I just can't say enough how much I loved doing less on Christmas day--we'll hopefully be alternating Christmas Eve and Christmas day with our two families from here on out.  Big fan of that.

Moving on--Happy New Year!  2008 really flew by for me--I still can't believe Janey is almost 10 months (it still seems like she just got here!) and Breanne is almost 3--how did I get to be old enough to have a 3-year-old?  Both girls are amazing me every day with their new things--Janey in the large-motor-skills-development area, and Breanne with her words and sentences and witty remarks... I'll go into more detail another time.  The point of this paragraph is to get out my resolution for this year--I want to be just a little bit better.  A better wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, and secretary.  I'd like to be just a little kinder, a little more forgiving, a little more genuinely happy, and a little more on top of things.  I'd like to actually do my best, so that is what I am going to strive for this year.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad your holidays were great! I bet having kids makes them that much more special (and stressful!!). Your goals for the upcoming year are fabulous as well.
