
Scary ABC's

Ok, so I can't find a way to steal a video off of my sis-in-law Katie's site, but I really wanted you to see this.  It's the last video on this post (the others are of my cute niece Claire, and my siblings-in-law).  

A little background--Breanne will tell you that her favorite song is the ABC song.  Lately, though, she's been singing it with a bit of a...um...twist.  She really really likes to sing it in her "scary voice."  And also featured in the video are her crazy glasses... she received these goggle-like things on Halloween from someone in the area.  She puts them on every now and then, and it makes me laugh.  So there you go.  Enjoy the scary ABC's.  :)


  1. Such a funny girl! I don't know where she gets it. ;)

  2. Creepy McScaryson.

    You've got your next Halloween costume.

  3. Seriously - so fun! I laughed a lot. Thank you also for the comments on my blog about tantrums. I actually thought of you when I wrote that. I though, "Jessie blogged about this not too long ago." I also thought about you when I wrote about RSV. Because, although my kids weathered it quite well, I knew that you had trauma with Janey. It really isn't too bad unless it strikes a newborn or baby with a poor constitution. I wish you lived closer and we could get together more and chat.

  4. That was awesome! Love the scary voice - and so does Spencer apparently, since he is now copying it =). The glasses are the perfect touch to the performance - I say, send her to Hollywood!

  5. I actually thought about The Grapes of Wrath after I wrote that post. I LOVE that book too. I read it twice in HS if you remember (once for my AP test). I love the way Steinbeck writes. It was an amazing book and those who hate it just because of the last page are SILLY!! That is the second time you've suggested For Whom The Bell Tolls. I will have to read it. I added it to my goodreads account.

  6. Aw, I'm not gonna sleep for a week! Scary voice! : )
