

Why yes, in case you're wondering, that was me on the front page of the Daily Herald this morning.  Oh, and yes, it does make me look fat... even though I'm officially the smallest and most fit I've been since before I had Breanne.  But such is life.  :)

After a crazy busy weekend, I am glad to have my talk over with so I can go take a nap and relax a little bit.  I just wish it wasn't going to snow.  I'm pumped to do some gardening now.


  1. Uh, your talk?

    Congrats on the picture! Love the bow!

  2. I toltally saw that today! I was like hey that looks like jessie and with a closer look it was you. So funny. Hope you did good on your talk!

  3. 25 and famous! So, that's fun!! :) Thank you for reading "The Village" and commenting. You always have great thoughts. I appreciated your comment about Breanne and sleeping. Really, just knowing that other moms are out there struggling with horrible sleepers gives me a little bit of courage.

  4. I didn't see you after sacrament meeting—wanted to tell you GOOD JOB on your talk!

    I don't think you look fat. You look like you're working and having an excellent time. I wish I'd known about that class! Ack! I would've loved joining you. But I guess I was too sick anyway. Maybe next time. I'll have to keep up with Thanksgiving Pointe.

    I got my name on a list at the first of the year for the Master Gardener class that will happen in the fall. I can't wait!

  5. So fun to have a claim to fame! I am sad about the weather too!

  6. you are so letting this go to your head...

  7. Woohoo! Go girl! That's awesome!

    I think my favorite is that it looks like you have a huge blue bow in your hair. I'm pretty sure it's a person behind you, but it looks like a rockin' bow. :)

  8. Hee hee, I know how weird it can be to suddenly see your face everywhere on the frontpage of newspapers--it's a little unnerving! I'm glad I got to see it--I think when I first saw this post, there wasn't a link to the paper yet.

    That class sounds awesome! We're trying to put in a little garden this year. Do you mind if I pick your brain for advice? We bought several plants and seeds, then had a huge snowstorm come through, so we haven't put anything in the ground yet but will soon. I'm most worried about the quality of soil by our house--how do you know if it's good for growing things? Should I mix in some potting soil? Thanks in advance.

  9. Linus' hair may be lighter, but. . . mostly it is just falling out. :( TEARS!! That makes me so sad. He doesn't have much of his beautiful soft hair left.
