
My New Camera

So a couple weeks ago, we got our tax return back. Hooray for tax returns... especially since this may be the last year we get one for a while (but that's a different story). At any rate, we were able to pay off some debts we had, and actually have a little money to spare! I chose to spend a little on the girl's birthdays, part of which included FINALLY buying a new camera (we've been using Cory's dad's first digital camera--a Kodak, and decent for what it was, but definitely dying...) so we could take decent pictures and video of the big event. After much research (Cory left the decision up to me... yikes!), I finally decided on the Canon SX 110.

It's sort of an in-between--not a point and shoot, but not a DSLR. And I love it! It has 9 MP, 10x optical zoom, and all sorts of cool features. Plus it's a Canon... hard to beat that these days. So you'll hopefully be seeing a lot more video from me (since I can very easily do short video clips with it), and better picture quality over all. Hope you like it as much as I do! :)


  1. Oh, new cameras are awesome! I love my Canon point-&-shoot.

  2. Oh, yeah!

    So, a photo a day?

    (I'm keeping up, just have to post the last week's batch.)
