
Picture Heavy Update

So the new header picture is a pretty accurate description of what's been going on around here--a bit of a mess, crazy kids (wearing whatever they choose, of course!), and a generally good time. While I don't totally feel like writing a full on post about what we've been doing, I will give you a whole bunch of pictures to enjoy (since I've finally adjusted to having an iPhone and think I might even know how to use it, kind of), with a little explanation. I'm sorry that I'm putting all of this into one post, I'm sure I'll take a lot of flack for that, but I'm just not in the mood to separate them all right now. So enjoy. :)

First: Breanne has figured out how to use Photobooth on my computer. For those of you who don't know what that is--it's basically what it sounds like. You sit in front of the computer cam, and snap pictures of yourself like you would in a photobooth in the mall. Breanne loves it, and frequently requests that we take pictures. And thus I end up with massive amounts of them, like this:

Also, Breanne continues to love on our cat, Hazel. Fortunately for her, Hazel is still a good natured little kitty, and puts up with quite a bit of abuse, as seen here:

Janey, on the other hand, is more interested in Dad's electronics:

We've enjoyed one visit to the Aquarium up in Sandy already, and will be going back again many times, I'm sure, as the girls loved it. Some favorites:

The Jellyfish (it's the light changing colors, not the fish, don't worry):

Seahorses, Octopus, and other random fishies:

And especially the part where you can pet the fish:

(Don't worry, Janey got to pet plenty of fish too, I just had to hold on to her tightly so she didn't jump in there with 'em, so I didn't get any pics).

Janey's other favorite part was the sharks tank--Breanne liked it too, but Janey was just in awe of the big fish:

And just some random ones in the stroller around the aquarium, and playing in the rocks:

After the aquarium, we went to the mall to eat, and of course Breanne couldn't resist a ride on the carousel (Janey, on the other hand, does not like carousels right now):

Janey came into the living room one day, so so proud of herself for having dumped out all the cookie cutters from the clear bucket they belonged in, and was wearing it as a mask/hat. She was whacking herself in the face and laughing hysterically. I couldn't get over how funny she was being, and it didn't take Breanne long to follow suit. They then took to tapping on each other's faces... crazy funny girls. And yes, Breanne is wearing her swimsuit, and no, we didn't swim that day.

Janey has become quite the little dancer these days, as is seen in this sequence of pictures (yes, she is dancing to Veggie Tales. Can't say I blame her, they've got some pretty good music):

One of my favorite things to do these days is to ask Janey to smile for the camera--she just doesn't quite get it.. and usually the resulting pics look something like these:

And last but not least, it feels like we've been spending a lot of time in the car, and as a result, I've caught a few good pics of the girls:

If you've made it through this whole post, you get one last treat--Stuart saw fit to take a few pictures of himself on my phone back when I first got it--I think he wanted me to post them up here. So here ya go:


  1. I love a good, long blog post, so good job! And I had to laugh at the end with posting Stuart's photo montage; what a good sister! Your girls are so cute and I can't believe how fast they're growing. My favorite pictures are probably the ones with Breanne and Hazel because you can just tell she loves that kitty oh-so-much! How tolerant Hazel must be. :)

  2. Love the buckets-on-the-heads pictures. Kids are so funny, and Breanne and Janey are just adorable. They are getting so big! I hope you're starting to feel a little more energetic and that everything's going well. :)

  3. I want to take my kidos to that aquarium!! It will have to wait for another trip though, because we are going to try to do a lot of things when we come down this weekend. :) The plan is to go to the Discovery Gateway on Friday, and I think we'll plan on going around 10:00 when it opens up.... would that work for you guys at all?

  4. Hooray for a huge update! They're the best and I very much enjoyed it. I love the pictures with the buckets on their heads... it's a very appropriate header. SOOOOO funny. :) I am floored at how much Janey has grown recently! Her hair is so long and CURLY and she has so much of Cory in her! And photobooth is just as entertaining when you're 25... I enjoy it a bit too much probably. :)

  5. Love all the pictures! And I even read the words too =). I need to see Janey dance somtime - I bet it is the cutest!

  6. Thank you for the comment you left me earlier today. I removed the post you saw b/c I thought it may depress someone. Thank you for your kind words. I really appreciate them.

    I love your pics you posted. They are all so cute.

  7. I love living in a time when you can take tons of photos and put them someplace where I can see them whenever I want.

    Probably sounds like I'm all about me, but not really. It's all about how great those girls are and how much fun they are to see as often as possible.


  8. I love all your photo collages. Your girls are just darling.

    I loved the aquarium. I really miss it. There isn't one in Iowa, so we'll probably have to go to Chicago, which is 3 hours away.

  9. I just wanted to let you know our final plans for the Discovery Gateway in case you can still make it. We will be there on Friday morning when they open (around 10:00 or 10:30). I will bring my cell phone so that I can call you and so that you can call me if you need to. Again, I have a ticket for your whole family to get in free. I hope you can come, but totally understand if you can't.

    And YES I am annoying, and YES I did send this to your e-mail and your FB. :)

  10. I was blog surfing on Catherine Hess' blog and came upon yours. How in the world do you do your picture collages? What program do you use and how do you download it onto blogger? I've tried several different things... all failed. I must be blogger illiterate. If you could help, I'd greatly appreciate it! Thank you!

  11. Thank you!!! Thank you for taking the time to help a frustrated girl. You're great.
