
17 Weeks

Don't mind my crazy hair or silly smile... this was after a 3.2 mile hike up a mountain to Lake Mary. We went on this hike under the impression (given to us by Cory's dad and bro-in-law) that it was a fairly flat, one mile in, one mile out, hike. It was not one mile, nor at all flat. I'm still glad we went, though, it was nice to be outside enjoying the beauty Utah has to offer. A few more Kelly took:


  1. looks like a lot of fun! you have the cutest prego belly!

  2. Those pictures are very cute. :) How did your girls do with 3 miles? Did they walk the whole way or did you have someone carry them?

  3. you should see the pics Cory took, he has some really great ones of Breanne. And now we know never to trust Dad's book again...

  4. Breanne is totally posing in that shot of her with her hands on her hips. So funny!
