

So last week, Breanne started preschool. I know, right? How can she possibly be old enough? But she LOVES it. She goes twice a week, for 2 1/2 hours each day. Oh, and 40 minutes of every day is spent doing gymnastics. She loves that too, but not as much as she loves art time, and reading books with her teachers. She is only 3, so she'll be able to do two years of preschool, and I'm hoping she can do both of them at this same place (the only reason she'd change is if we moved, but we're not planning on doing that just yet), because we love it.

A few pictures from her first day:

Obligatory shot by the front door:

Walking outside the classroom by the bench:

Getting out her (soon to become) favorite book:

Reading said book with her teacher, Miss Ashley (who is patient enough to read it to her every morning):

And riding the "train" to the zoo, the jungle, or wherever their imaginations take them (with Spencer, our friend from across the street):

I'm so glad Breanne has loved school so much--I know I always did, too, and I'm glad she has that love for learning already. This has also been a great thing for Janey and myself, as we now get to spend more time one-on-one, which we haven't ever really had, and won't have for a whole lot longer, with another baby coming so soon.


  1. Aw, Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom IS a great book! I do love the obligatory front-door-photo as well. Too cute. I'm glad she's enjoying her pre-school days! How fun for her.

  2. Those pictures are too cute!! Can you believe that Claire has 3 years till she is old enough for Kindergarten! Nuts. :)

  3. I love the front photo too. I treasure those photos of my kids.

    And I am so glad that you encourage her curiosity so she will want to keep learning. You are a super mom.

  4. Hooray for a hike, hooray for her loving preschool, and hooray for your way cute wreath!!!
