
Coming Soon...

How all of these (plus some more embellishments)...

add up to create one of these...

I've been working on this, along with several other sewing projects, a whole lot lately, especially at night, which is why I haven't been blogging lately. I hope to start posting finished projects soon... Janey's blanket is done, Breanne's just needs a border and back and to be tied, and for the playhouse I just need to sew the pieces on the last side, and sew it all together. Or decide if I want to do the interior, too... it's been such a fun project, and I think (and hope!) that the girls will love it! If I still have time after all this, I plan on doing a few of these, and these for stockings. I'm excited for this to be such a home-sewn Christmas--I've learned a ton, and really really enjoyed the sewing!


  1. What an adorable playhouse/sewing project.

    You probably don't remember the year when you and Stu were about the same age as Breanne and Janey are now when I got the sewing bug and made cabbage patch dolls and pound puppies and blankets. That's also the year when you got the spin around toy and the tent and your stove and fridge. It was a good year and the next year was the Halloween when I made your jack-o-lantern costumes for the day before Herschel was born. It was such a fun time!

  2. Saw this on Anna's blog, and the very thought of sewing it made me tired, so I bought a Thomas the Tank Engine one for Scott on Black Friday. But it doesn't have removable felt toys, and general cuteness is sadly lacking. Great job! It really looks so cute and fun. Maybe I'll try my hand at some felt food one of these days...

    Any tips for sewing with felt?

  3. One WORD - Amazing!! Seriously. :) I am so sad that I can't sew. :( I should just learn, but I don't know how to start easy or who can teach me. Sad. It is adorable.

  4. that is so cute! it's truly adorable! & I as well want to sew some dolls. Since I'm out in Logan without mom's nice sewing machine, I found a little portable sewing machine for $30 and I'm getting tempted to get it because there are so many cute/fun thinks to make! & the girls will defiantly love the playhouse! such a cute idea

  5. I love it! It's looking so great!

  6. ok so that makes me seriously consider making one.... but then I get worried that one that I would make wouldn't turn out as cute or something like that.... and then I think about the time and the fact that I haven't used a sewing machine since 7th grade in TLC...and that makes me even more nervous about it... but seriously very cute...

  7. That is adorable! I can't believe you don't think they are just going to absolutely love it! I would.

  8. Oh my gosh those are SO wonderful!!! GREAT JOB!! Can't wait to see them playing in it!

  9. looks awesome! Your kids will love it.

  10. amazing! way to be. I love felt to. Love love love it. Can't wait til the quiet book is done and can make some felt food. Fun.

  11. ooh I wanna make one for Caleb now. He'll have to wait though. haha
