
Meet Cailin

Sorry this is so late, but I've been a little... busy? tired? overwhelmed? distracted? Perhaps all of the above? Regardless, I am very excited to introduce you to our sweet little baby, Cailin Danielle. She was born last Sunday, January 31st, at 2:37 am. She has been a wonderful baby, sleeping a lot (though not as much at night, unfortunately... :)), and rarely getting very upset. She's also been a pretty great eater, which is nice. Since she came 2 1/2 weeks early, she's been fighting off some jaundice, but her bili levels are finally dropping enough that we don't have to go back for any more level tests, which is wonderful. All in all, we just love our sweet baby Cailin.

And if you're wondering, her hair is debatably red--somewhere in-between Breanne's color and Janey's, but I wouldn't be surprised to see it lighten up to be more like Breanne's (hence the super light eyebrows). We'll see.

On her name--we were fairly certain when we went into the hospital that we'd name the baby Natalie Paige, but then when we met her, and I started trying to call her that, it just didn't fit her. We'd talked about the name Cailin for each of our other girls, but it never was at the top of our list for either of them. When this baby started crying, though, it was all I could do to stop myself from calling her Cailin. After discussing it for two days, about 1/2 hour before we left the hospital, we decided to make it official, and turned in her birth certificate paperwork with Cailin Danielle on it. And no regrets there--it fits her perfectly. If you're wondering about where we got the name--the first time I'd ever heard it was from this song, though Cory knew a few Cailins growing up. I'm not usually a proponent of naming a child after a song, but in this case, I'm ok with it.


  1. Oh she is so so so pretty! And you look fabulous!

  2. Congratulations! She is so adorable. I'm jealous that you could put a bow in her hair. My girls were both bald as peaches, and the nurses had to stick a bow on Cakesie's forehead with vaseline for her pictures!

  3. Congratulations!! She's darling and I love her chuby cheeks! (doesn't look like she came that early ;)

    ps, I love the name, love the song...it's one of my favorites!

  4. Aw, yay! I love the name. And the song. Congratulations!

  5. Cheeks! Cheeks!

    She's adorable. So's her name. And her song's pretty great too.

  6. Hooray for meeting her and seeing pics and hearing about her name! How was your labor and delivery? I hope you're recovering well.

  7. Congratsies! I am so glad she is her, and I really like her name. So So happy for you!

  8. I love that you are documenting this time in your life and I get to see it.

    Also, I was thinking that if Unwritten Law recorded the song in 1998 and it was about the singer's little girl, that little girl must be at least 12 now, right? You see how time flies by...

  9. okay, wait, I just watched the video again and it was copyrighted in 1998, and the little girl looks like she's about 8, so, now she's almost not a teenager anymore...I'm tellin' ya, time flies.

  10. So happy for you...especially that she's healthy and everything was great with the delivery. I just love newborns so much. That get big too fast. Congrats!!

  11. She is SO beautiful! I seriously feel bad that I had no idea until just now that you had your baby! And it's been like...weeks! I love the name you chose. She looks like such a little butterball! How fun! I bet your other girls are SO excited to help. Please let me know if I can do anything for you! Congratulations!
