
What All 3 Girls Getting Shots Looks Like...

So this morning I got up and took Cailin back to the hospital to get suctioned out. This normally takes maybe a half hour, but today took just shy of 2 hours. This delay forced me to rush home to pick up the other two girls so Cory could head off to work and we could get to Cailin's 2 week appointment (pushed back a week and a half since we were in the hospital when it normally would've been). While there, we discussed needed shots and pokes for all three girls (Breanne and Janey finishing up the swine flu shots, plus a regular flu shot for Breanne, Cailin a PKU poke). We got them taken care of, but afterwards there was excessive crying and sadness, which resulted in shakes with lunch, and movie watching post-lunch, which thankfully led to naps. For everyone. It was wonderfully quiet, something I haven't had since before we went to the hospital, I'm sure. Even the cat got in on the action.

So, instead of doing the dishes and picking up the house like I'd planned, I took a nap too.

And for the record, I hope I never have to get shots for all three kids at once again. I do not recommend it.


  1. You know I used to be psychologically overwhelmed by all the personalities at school, and my ideal day was when I got to stay home from school and watch I Love Lucy and Wheel of Fortune, sneaking cordial cherries from my mom's collection. Your post reminded me of those days, even though your kids being home from school because of shots is quite different. Heh... Oh to have those days again!

  2. LOL! Love the cat napping pic. Your girls are very adorable.

  3. That's crazy with the shots! But getting three girls to sleep at once is quite a feat.

  4. I can't imagine the tears... but HOORAY for a nap for all of you. I can guess that is QUITE rare!

  5. Aww sounds like a good ending though. You are such a good mom and I am amazed out how you do it with 3 now! They are all so cute! I miss them! Especially Cailin since I haven't seen her in awhile. We'll get together when all babies are healthy!

  6. Oh...poor babies. And poor Mom! I'm glad you took a nap. I've finally learned that it's more important for me to be rested and sane, than it is to have a clean kitchen!
