
Janey's Second Birthday!

So this last Sunday, Janey turned the big ol' 2! A post of favorite things about her and what she's doing is coming, but for right now, I just wanted to share a few more photos.

What present opening looks like at our house:

This does NOT even do her justice for how cute she was that day, but I didn't get a better picture, sadly:

The cake I made for her (also forgot to take a before picture... sheesh):

And again, just an attempt to show how cute she looked... but still doesn't do her justice:

Oh how I love this little girl.


  1. She was, as always, adorable. That dress is so cute, too.

  2. WAY cute cake; I love it. I can't believe how big your girlies are getting!

  3. Oh!! I can't believe she is 2 - she is still so cute and teeny. How fun. :) Way to go on that cake - I've given up on things like that. SIGH.
