
Last Playdate Before Cailin

So we have a pretty great, fairly new McDonald's not far from our house that the girls and I have been known to frequent occasionally. Knowing that I was going to have a baby soon, we stopped by the thursday before I had Cailin, and I snapped these photos. For the record, I think this is most likely where Breanne picked up the cold she had when Cailin was born, which she passed on to Janey, who gave it to Cailin, when we realized it was RSV. We won't be visiting there until Cailin's a little older, most likely. :/

Both girls love to have their picture taken with Ronald; unfortunately, so did this other little girl, who didn't want to get out of his lap...

And here again is Janey's demon child face--

And a big ol' cheese (Breanne is still worried about the other girl)--

Breanne's favorite place to play:

And Janey's favorite:

It was so nice to give them some room to run!

1 comment:

  1. Hey--that's the McDonald's we stopped at on the way back to your house after Cailin returned home. Lucky for me, the girls had both dropped off to sleep...
