

So ever since I saw these smocks over at Make It and Love It, I've wanted to make some for our kids. I wasn't sure about the cotton material, though, or the ruffle. Seemed like those things would cause it to hold on to paint/playdoh/whatever else they were using for their creations. Then when my friend E. talked about making a raincoat for her daughter out of a vinyl tablecloth, an idea struck me. What if I just made my smocks out of a vinyl tablecloth? So I did. I bought the tablecloth at Walmart for a whopping $4, and have enough to make a ton more stuff, as it was a 60"x84". The more expensive part would've been the bias tape I used around the edges, but I already had that (and have NO idea where it came from, it's just been in my stash for a while now). Other than those two things, the only other stuff I needed was a little velcro (about 6 inches total for 2 smocks) and some ribbon for a tie, which is totally optional. So now, for just a couple dollars and a half hour each, I have 2 smocks to keep my girls' clothing clean while they paint/sculpt/craft to their hearts content. I'm pretty excited about them.

General size and shape (I decided to do this differently than the smock at Make It and Love It--I wanted one that I didn't have to pull over the girls' heads--if they get gunky paint or whatever on them, I don't want to have to pull that up over their heads.):

Simple Velcro fastener:

I changed up the pockets, too:

and this is how I attached the ribbon (I went over it at least 5 times for some security, since this will get the most pull of anywhere on the smock):

And the smocks in action:

(And in case you're wondering, we are having a jammies day over here, what with the rain outside and everything. Normally I don't like them, but I'm being productive this morning, so it's going ok. And I know it's hard to believe, but I really do actually do my girls' hair every now and then... and I usually make Janey wear pants... and Breanne generally wears pj's that match... just not today. Oh well.)


  1. Cute!
    PS No sane person ever judges about jammies and messy hair. We all do it. And if they say they don't they are lying!

  2. OK, those are seriously cute! I am thinking I should make myself one too... I always end up with stuff all over my clothes when I get crafty.

  3. I like how your blog background matches the smocks, was that intentional or coincidental? They are really cute and a super great idea!

  4. Ha, that's funny Karen. I didn't realize it, but I guess it doesn't really surprise me. Orange flowers have always been my favorite (and were my main wedding flowers).

  5. Love these. I'm making notes of all the projects I will eventually have to do when/if I become a mom and this is definitely one of them!

  6. Oh Jessie! What a fabulous idea. I know I've said it before, but I so wish I could sew. I would totally make those. Sometimes I wonder if could bribe you into making these cute things for me. :)

  7. I love this so much, you don't even know. I've been trying to think of some way I could make some bigger, toddler-sized bibs for Scott for just general eating (I'm getting sick of trying to get tomato/ketchup/grease stains out of his clothes everyday), and I think I'm totally going to use this idea! Thanks so much for posting--they turned out very cute. And after Scott stained his first outfit of the day with yogurt, we had a jammies day today, too. :)

  8. Those are SUPER cute and awesome. GREAT ideas of how to change it!!! Definitely impressed.

  9. Thanks for joining in on the Table Cloth Challenge!
    This is a brilliant idea; your girls look adorable and happily enjoying their paintwork.-)
    I love the orange flowers in your sidebars!

  10. Great job! Those are so cute - and sure beat the plastic bag I used for Bekah awhile ago! ;D

  11. using a table cloth for art smocks is BRILLIANT!
