
Kilger Family Pictures

Last weekend, since Cory's Dad was in town again (he's working in Ohio right now, and the rest of the family is moving out there in a couple weeks), we took some family photos, probably the last ones we'll take for quite a while, due to the impending move. I think they turned out beautifully.

I love Cory's family--I couldn't have asked for better in-laws. Also, can you see where Breanne and Cailin's red hair comes from now?

I don't know why, but I love this photo of Cory and Janey

And our little family... the kids were getting too cold by this point, so smiling was difficult, but they both almost are in this one. I just wish someone had told me to turn Cailin out a little bit, you can't even see her. :/

1 comment:

  1. Wow...busy picture time. And yes, now I finally get the red hair!
