
New Bag

So I bought a bit of fabric to make a bag for my mom for mother's day. It came out pretty cute, I thought, and I was excited to give it to her. She seemed to like it, so I thought all was good.

Yesterday, I realized I didn't have a gift for bunco last night, and I didn't feel like going to buy anything, so I decided to use my leftover fabric from my mom's bag to make into my gift. Now I just have to apologize to my mom, because this bag came out so much better than hers... Sorry mom! If you want me to make yours better, I totally will.

I've been wanting to participate in amylouwho's Sew and Tell for a while now, but rarely have anything great to post. I'm excited today to actually have something to add. :)

A few pics--


  1. Love it, and it totally would be mine today because I got a lower score than Mackenzie, but by the time I counted it, she was already picking out a gift, and I couldn't bring myself to take her turn. Anyways, it's adorable, great job, and thansk for coming and bringing the table and chairs, AND letting me use your vaccuum!

  2. this is such a great bag....love it. great finish

  3. Nice bag! I like the inner pocket you did--so handy.

  4. Great bag! How awesome is it that you got this done just in time!

  5. I love my bag just the way it is.

    I love the pocket inside that is exactly the right size to hold my phone and my lip balm.

    I love the fabric--color and texture.

    I love the length of the strap--it hangs exactly where I like a purse to hang when it's hanging over my shoulder.

    I love that it doesn't have a top or a closer, although version 2 is very stylish. If mine had a closer and a top, I would not be able to carry all of my crap as easily.

    Mostly I love that you made it for me-me! Thank you sweet girl. xo

  6. Wonderful! You did a great job and it looks beautiful.

  7. You're so crafty! I might need sewing lessons! My mom does quilts, and I've tried to make clothes for Bekah....but they turned out horribly so I gave up.

  8. Man, I want to come play Bunco in your group! We only have crazy/weird gifts that no one would fight over. But I'd totally throw punches for this bag :o)

  9. Great bag! And what a great idea for a bunco prize! I'll have to remember that one...

  10. Aw! I miss bunco!

    The purse is very cute.
