

It has come to my attention that lately, I seem to have fallen off the blogging bandwagon. Turns out, having three kids takes a lot of time and energy, as do a lot of my other goings-on. I have a million things (ok, not really a million, but lots) to post, so I will attempt to get things caught up over the next little bit... but no promises. Believe it or not, sometimes I get tired. Too tired. However, now that Cory and I are all caught up on Castle, and most of our shows are over for the summer, I can foresee a little extra time to spend here. Hopefully I will be here again soon. In the meantime, a few pics for fun--

Every girl needs a good pair of heels...

and a dance partner

and a little music to have a good time dancing the day away.

A comfy place to rest is also important (please note the slippers--believe it or not, I personally did not place them in the middle of the floor. Thank you).

And please take note, the hair on top of Cailin's head is now long enough for a ponytail. How did this happen? (and what about the rest of her head? The hair is looking a little sparse on the edges...)