

So in case you haven't heard, my poor baby has chickenpox. No, not the older two girls, they're vaccinated. Just poor Cailin. How did this happen? I have no idea. Part of me is glad she has it now, when she's not coordinated enough to scratch her itches, but most of me just feels bad that my poor baby girl has these red blistery-welt things all over her body. Also--being quarantined=crappy. Too much tv, too much bickering, not enough fresh air. I'm hopeful that it will pass quickly, as she isn't scratching at her sores... poor baby girl.

These pics were taken first thing this morning, she's got a lot more spots now than she did then--amazing how quickly they pop up.


  1. Poor thing. I hope it passes quickly for her. And luckily she'll never remember having them.

  2. As much as I know that this too will pass, and everything will be okay in a few days (or weeks), and you and your brothers all experienced the pox and recovered just fine, those pictures make me cry. Poor baby and poor mama.

    This is one of those times when I wish my arms could reach through the computer monitor to give large comforting hugs all around.

  3. Poor girl. :( Hope it all passes super quickly.

  4. Oh this is the saddest post! Can you give anything to her for the pain? When Hens was tiny, he had an infection and the dr had trouble finding something he could have.

  5. maybe some backyard fun may be good? Don't you have a kiddie pool? Just thinking of ideas to get you out of the house. :) Good luck! Wish you were coming on Saturday!!

  6. Man, those pics make me so sad! I guess it's nice to have the bright side in all of this. And convenient that her not scratching will hopefully make them heal faster! Sending you happy thoughts!
