
Day Two (and a half)

...and we're headed to the Dr's to make sure she doesn't have ear infections on top of it all... let you know how that goes later. My poor, poor baby.


  1. No kidding poor baby! It looks so sad! If it weren't so afraid to I would come over and give her a hug. Luckily though Naomi's looking clear! So, I guess Cailin didn't pass it on. Bright side?

  2. Actually, Katie, I think it usually takes a couple weeks to manifest (like 10-21 days). To be honest, I'm so sorry, but I'll be amazed if Naomi doesn't get it, because she was playing with Cailin's favorite toy here on monday night... :(

  3. Poor Cailin. I can't believe that she got the pox! And poor mom and sisters being cooped up. Let me know if there is anything we can do!

  4. these pictures are so SAD!!

  5. That is so sad! I hope it goes away quickly!

  6. Those pics really are just so sad! I'm so sorry! No fun for baby or for mommy =(.

    Those "s'mores" do look genius though...yummm!

  7. Oh, the poor, poor baby! I feel itchy just looking at her. I hope it clears up quick!

  8. I thought it was hard seeing my own kids with the pox but it's even worse seeing my granddaughter with them. If I come over, do you want me to take the older two to see Toy Story 3 or would you rather take them and I'll stay with Cailin?

    These pics are breaking my heart for both of you.
