
Advent Calendar Day 10

Our activity today was going to the girls' dance recital. I love, so much, watching them dance. It's so fun to witness them learning, and growing, trying new things, and going beyond their normal comfort level. Though the dances they do seem so simple, it's really quite an accomplishment for them to learn all the moves, even though they aren't memorizing them yet. And even if you aren't that impressed with their moves, seriously, what could be cuter than Janey bouncing her knees and dancing in her green Santa dress? :)

And a little note on Breanne's dance--it's supposed to start with them tapping their foot, just like Breanne is doing. The teacher got confused, and started it out bouncing her knees again. Breanne refused to do the wrong move, even though everyone else was doing it. Funny girl. And then she really, really wanted to smile big at her family, like the teacher had told them to do, but she also really needed to watch the teacher... watching her try to look back and forth and keep up was just so funny to me. She wants so badly to do the right thing. She's such a sweet girl.


  1. They're so cute! How I miss those girls. Janey was adorable. And, if you ask me, Breanne was the best in her class. What a little star. :)

  2. Loved it =). Dancing little girls really are the best =).

  3. I'm so bummed Claire didn't get to go! I wish I had thought to call them sooner. Your girls did so great! So cute.

  4. cute! I would like to have Audrey in a dance recital but I don't think her class is up for anything like that.

  5. They are stars. Super stars. So glad I got to be there.
