
Question for You

If you made a skirt like this for a certain skirt loving two-year-old you knew,

Would you add a flower or something to it, maybe on the side? Or leave it as-is?


  1. First of all, that is super cute. Secondly, I always like a flower =). Lastly, also maybe a little cluster of cute buttons could be cute too?

  2. The buttons would be instead of a flower...I would think. =)

  3. I would add a flower! I LOVE flowers!...at make it and love it she has really cute flower tutorials! You should totally check them out!! here is the link!


    or this one!


    or this one...


    Have fun!

  4. Oh the buttons would be cute... or a flower. But I'd do a little flower on a pin so you can take it off, or move it around. I happen to have a really easy one you can make out of scraps :o)

  5. I'd say leave as is and leave flowers for in the hair. But either way I'm sure it'll be darling :)

  6. Oh I love the cluster of buttons idea. And then put a flower in her hair with a button in the middle of the flower...tie the whole ensemble together!

  7. I love that someone already suggested a button cluster because I was totally picturing one on the Ric-Rac!

  8. I say make a flower with buttons in the middle. Or like a small cluster of flowers all with button centers but I agree with putting it on a pin. I think if you put anything extra on it it should be a pin. Allows for more versatility.

  9. I will trust your amazing sense of taste and style on this one. Because I know she will be adorable with or without flower.
