
First Decoration!

So... since we've moved in, I've been trying to figure out how to decorate this house. Those that visited my Provo house know that I'm not a big decorator in the first place, but add to that the massive wall spaces I've got here, and well... let's just say the walls are still bare.
I did make something for my front door over the last few days (as a reward to myself for working so hard to get our taxes taken care of). I gave you a sneak peak yesterday, and today I'm ready to show off the final project. A new wreath!

If you've hung out here on the blog long enough, you know that I have a slight obsession with felt. So when I saw these wreaths in a couple different places, I knew I had to try one. I fell in love with the cream colored one, but when I went to my felt stash, I realized I didn't have enough of it to make a whole wreath, so I started layering other colors. I love the way the browns blend (in real life that is, they look a little funny in the pics, sorry). I didn't really realize until I was nearly done though, just how fall-ish the wreath kind of is. So, I may be making another, more springy one. I just love the look of it. What do you think?


  1. Cute! I made one with all yellow just a few weeks ago!

  2. I love it! And I am also in love with felt...I just bought a book on amazon called "Big little Felt universe" I LOVE IT!...you should look at it...now I need to get me some more felt! =)...I have been thinking of making a new wreath...but then I remembered that I have one for every season...=/ I don't have one for v-day...so maybe I will make one with pinks!

  3. i'd love to see a spring one!

  4. I love your new blog layout! So springy! I think if you added a pink or turquoise or springy green bow to this wreath it would solve the fallish problem in a quick hurry. Then you could change them out as the seasons suit you. It turned out so cute!

  5. I love it. I think it compliments your door color quite nicely too. :) And yes, I think the bow thing would work. But why not make another? You have a hoard of felt and it's so pretty!

  6. I really like it! I must say though, I think the colors you chose are totally appropriate for an all-season wreath. It's very neutral. I may have to copy it.

  7. I'm not one for crafty things like this, but I have to say how much I like it, and how I am tempted to make one too! :-D

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Sorry, accidently posted as Brandon ^.

    Love the colors, so cute! I've been wanting to make some felt flowers myself. Thanks for the links.

    I also love the new pics of the girls on the side bar. :)

  10. I absolutely LOVE it. Good job. You rock, you know. =)

  11. O my. Love that wreath. I must make one! Love the colors - reminds me of coffee. ;)

  12. I love it! Might have to copy you...
