
Piggies and a Cookie

What could be better?


  1. Where is the like button? :) (Also, my verification word is horses... which I am pretty sure is the first one ever in my years of blogging that was intelligible in any language!)

  2. So cute! I wish I could do pigtails in Naomi's hair. I'm pretty sure she could get one in there. It's just a matter of her sitting still and me being able to manage the itty bitty elastic.

  3. I LOVE her pigtails! And what Katie said. I am amazed that she let you do that. :) Grace would probably not sit still for me, and then she'd probably pull them out immediately.

  4. To Katie and Becca--I did them while she was sitting in her chair eating a cookie. She rarely complains in that situation. :) She's got a lot of hair, though, so she's gotta get used to it being brushed and done--I foresee a lot of that in her future.

  5. Oh my goodness. The cuteness level is off the charts. :)

  6. It really doesn't get a whole lot better than that! Or cuter, that's for sure =).
