
I Can Do It On My Own

So I've decided recently that part of the problem with being a DIY-er is that it makes me want to make/do everything on my own. I see something in the store, and think, "Hey, I could make that!" or see someone doing something, and think "Hey, I could do that!" Sometimes this works out for me, and sometimes the results are a little more questionable.

The last few weeks, Breanne's been asking me to cut her hair. I was hesitant at first, but then watched some tutorials, looked at some pics online, and today decided to just go for it. I think it went ok, what do you think?

Breanne's hair before:

And after--the back:

And the front!

And for the record, Breanne loves it. I think I need to learn more about cutting wavy hair--even though it's cut straight, in some places it doesn't really look like it, because of her natural waves. Where did I get these curly-haired kids?


  1. it's cute but I don't think I would be brave enough to try it... Good job!

  2. It turned out wonderfully. I, on the other hand, get to blog about how I tried to cut my boys hair, and failed miserably. That is one thing I won't do on my own ever again.

  3. That is a kindergarten haircut if ever I've seen one. Very well done. And cute.

  4. What a doll! It really is so cute. And it makes her look so grown up! Makes me want to cry.

  5. Great job! I agree, once you start DIY-ing, it spreads to everything in your life, lol!

    I think Breanne looks so cute and grown-up, and her smile says she LOVES her new cut! I'm just glad I have boys, because it's really easy to cut their hair (including Brandon's) with some Wahl clippers. Heaven help me when/if I have a girl! I'll be brave, like you, and hope for the same great results. :)

  6. I think it looks great! Hair cutting is a long ways off for me, Evs is getting some good quality hair though!

  7. I like it! I'm not brave enough to attempt something like that. Hehehe. :)

  8. Great job Jessie! Is there anything you can't do????
