
Costumes 2011

I've noticed this time around that in all the crafty blogs I read, there are basically two types of costume-makers. One type loves it, and goes all out with the details, all homemade, etc. And then there are the others, who make it as quickly and cheaply as they can, as they figure their kids will only wear it once or twice. I am definitely in the first camp. I want my girls to have nice (read: durable! comfortable! well-sewn and nice materials and not going to fall apart!) costumes, and I don't mind it at all if that means I have to make it all myself, even if it doesn't save me tons of money (though it can definitely save me some). My girls dress up all the time--I would honestly guess at least 5 days of the week. The costumes they've had for the last few years are literally being torn to shreds. (And yes, that literally is being used correctly.) If I can make them cute, durable costumes that I know they'll wear for a while, I am all about putting in the time and effort to do so. I don't just put their costumes in a box in the garage when the holiday is over, either. They go straight into the costume box for play. And they're played with constantly. The time is a worthwhile investment to me (especially since they turn out so much more durable), and I really do enjoy thinking of ways to make the costumes even more special for my girls, little details that I know they'll appreciate.

So, that being said... here are the girls' costumes, in all their glory. The two older girls chose their own costumes this year, and Cailin's was ultimately my decision, influenced heavily by her interests. :)

We all know that Cailin already does an adorable robot. About the same time I discovered that, I was contemplating what she should be for halloween, when it hit me. :) I absolutely love the way this costume came out. I couldn't actually find a costume image to even work off of, so this was all my own creation. I got inspiration from these different robot images and stuffies. The gages turned out great, and I love the hood, even though she has very little interest in actually wearing it.
It is actually a square(ish, actually technically a rectangular prism?) with a hood inside to help it stay on her head. It's interfaced to give it stability and to keep it square. I seriously love that it actually worked. I wasn't sure it would up until it was attached. I also love her arms and pants. Yes, those are strips of fleece sewn together. I just love the color and playfulness of them.

Pink Bunny Janey:

Janey's costume, pre-ears. We just used a headband set of ears for that, and the ability to put them through the costume was my last minute addition, at Janey's request (I want pink ears, mom! Not white ears, pink!). And yes, I did make this hoodie. Out of fleece. It's perfect for our cooler evenings, and for the days too, since Janey's been sick. Don't be surprised if you just see more of these showing up, sans-costume attachments. They're comfy, and simple.

And what would a bunny be without a tail? Again, I was going to go with the even-bigger white one JoAnn's had, but Janey insisted on the pink. Now what to do with the blue, green, yellow, and white ones also from the package?

And Wicked Witch Breanne:

(Hi again, Hazel. See how this cat is always trying to steal the show? But I guess a good witch needs a cat?)
While everyone else hemmed and hawed about what they wanted to be for Halloween, Breanne has known for months that she wanted to be a witch. With a black dress, with some orange. And orange hair. And warts on her face. So, a quick trip to the fabric store later, we had this combination. And yes, the bodice is lined, and has a zipper. But no, it's not reversible. :) For the final edition of the dress, I actually folded and sewed the waistband sash more nicely and tacked it down in the front, and added some belt loops on the sides. It looks a lot neater than these pictures, but I don't feel like waiting to take more pictures before I put this post up. You can see it better in the last post about all our activities.

I really loved the combinations of fabric on this dress. The spiderweb stuff on the bottom was my favorite part, Breanne liked the sparkly black on top (and underneath the skirt). The tulle sleeves and sash were my idea, but Breanne gladly welcomed them. She wanted desperately to be an evil witch. I was worried that she'd be sad when she realized all her girl classmates were princesses, but she still seemed to absolutely love her costume. Well, except for the part where her broom fell apart, but I guess that's what we get for spending $2.50 on a decorative broom and sending it to kindergarten. :)

So there you have it. :) I spent a couple hours on each costume--Janey's and Breanne's were really pretty quick, coming together in maybe 3-4 hours. Cailin's took longer, but mostly just because I was afraid of making the hood, because I didn't feel like going to the fabric store again to buy more fabric and interfacing if it didn't work out. That being said, I did complete pretty much all of it on Wednesday, so it didn't actually take that much longer than the other two. It did require some hand sewing (on the gages) though, which I am TERRIBLY slow at, so that added an hour to it all. All in all, though, absolutely worth it. I love all three costumes this year, and am absolutely proud to say that I made them. I don't feel like I'm making excuses for how they look at all. And most importantly, the girls love them, too, and feel like they got exactly what they asked for. When I can't completely please them all the time, I'm glad to give them this one thing. :) Happy Halloween indeed!

BTW, I'm linking up to AmyLouWho's sew'n'tell again, as well as a few others. :)


  1. Wow, super cute!! Great job, too.

  2. Very cute! I LOVED the robot costume. Kara feels the same way about costumes. When her oldest was young she spent a ton of time making a really cute Belle costume but used cheap fabric and it didn't last. Now she uses high quality fabric and spends the time. I haven't made any halloween costumes yet, but maybe next year!

  3. Oh my heck, so cute! And how did I not know about your blog til now? I'll add it to my sidebar right now.

  4. Those are too fun. I love that you do this!! I wish that sewing was in my bag of tricks, but since I never really have done it much, and it really just isn't something that is fun for me, I have to admire other's efforts from a distance. I really love those!!!

    Breanne looks like you in that witch picture BTW. :)

    And as for Claire being a hypochondriac - you are right, kids have a penchant for pretending to be sick, but Claire is worse than most kids. Linus is the opposite. Right before he threw up once I asked if he was sick, and he insisted emphatically that he was not. 5 minutes after he split his head open he was playing with toys (though he was in need of medical attention.). It makes me laugh and sigh that they are so different in this.

    I guess I'm just sensitive about her pretending to be sick, because my mother really is a hypochondriac. I need Claire to learn how to communicate when she is really sick or hurt because I just don't know when to believe her. SIGH, I'm sure you didn't want to know all that. :)

  5. The robot is my fave, but they are all cute. And totally worth the work if you keep them out for dress up all year.

    And in the pics you posted of the activities (last one maybe) there is one picture where Breanne looks JUST like you. So fun.

  6. uh, yeah. That hood on the robot costume is AMazing! Wow. Kudos to you for figuring how the heck to do that! All of them are so cute!

  7. Those costumes are darling! I'll be honest, I'm usually the parent who just has something easy and thrown together. However, all of our costumes has gotten very good use out of them. Cowboy hats, dragon suits, super hero capes. They get worn all the time!

  8. Aww... they are just adorable! Great job, Mom!

  9. I have 3 girls too and I love your original costumes. I can tell the robot one is going to get a lot of use! Great job! I am a new follower from Sumo's Sweet Stuff. Vicky from Mess For Less

  10. Adorable girls! I love the robot costume!

  11. Those are great! The robot might be my favorite homemade costume that I've seen this year. Awesome.

  12. They are all so cute! Love the robot, though! Thanks for linking to Things I've Done Thursday.


  13. Those costumes are great! Love the little robot!

  14. LOVE THE ROBOT! that is an adorable idea

  15. Hear, hear, Jessie! Those are great costumes! The bunny one, especially, will get lots of mileage in our house. I've always wanted to do a bunny costume for the girls. Next year, I shall plaintively suggest that they all be animals because I would love them all covered up and snuggly warm and squish-able! (It is not as fun to squish a princess or a musketeer).

  16. I don't know whether to hate you for being so amazing or to just go ahead and admit that i am your biggest fan!


    1. robot? perfect Idea- and it turned out SO cute- its by far the cutest robot costume ever, especially because it looks COMFY enough for a baby!

    2. BUNNY? she is totally a sweet little pink bunny... what a cute, simple and comfy costume that she must love!

    3. witch- i can't help but laugh because it made me think of the day i was at your house and she came up and asked YOU to be the witch during pretend play! haha... what an ADORABLE witch costume- so fancy! you are a pro! you could SELL all this! your girls are the luckiest girls in the WORLD.

    and... i can totally see why you got spotlighted on a blog for this. you rock it, girl!

    and thanks for the advice on my blog about vicks on the feet- i am trying it as we speak and i hope it helps speed things up :)

  17. You have done a great job. You can also post about realistic dragon costume because nowadays this things are so famous. Also there are some website which will provide you these dragon costumes at a lowest price.

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