
KCWC Fall 2011

Guess what guys? I was so excited to sew for KCWC again this week. I had all these great plans for dresses for Breanne, leggings for everyone, and most importantly, costumes.

You caught the past tense back there, right? Yeah, my sewing machine has been acting up for the last month or so, randomly skipping stitches, but still working *enough* to get through every project. Well. Not anymore. On Saturday, I was trying to finish up a last minute Jessica Bunny (not Rabbit, but pretty much the same) costume for a murder mystery dinner party (so fun!), when my machine decided it was done just skipping a few stitches here and there, and decided to just skip whole rows of stitching. I have no idea why it was doing it. I'd cleaned it, and kept it oiled, and everything.

So sadly to report, my sewing machine has been in the shop since Saturday. I think (hope?) it'll be good to go in the morning, but I haven't heard anything from the shop yet to confirm that. :( When I talked to the repair man, he talked fondly about my little machine, so I know it's being well taken care of, at least.

Anyway, as soon as I'm up and running, you can expect to start seeing some projects. There are some girls who are just getting too dang tall for their dresses around here. Leggings and longer dresses are most definitely in order. And there are some serious demands for costumes going on.

Poor baby.

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