
It's amazing...

That making everyone else do the cleaning,

all these weird outfits...

These disasters...

Way too much tv watching...

So many messy faces...

Countless meals out...

And so many questionable snack choices...

Are all perfectly explainable by something so tiny.  :)

Yep, Kilger baby #4 is due at the end of October, and we couldn't be more excited.  Of course the excitement of getting out of the first trimester (I'm about 10 weeks now, just a few more to go!) is most prevalent on my mind, but the thought of having another baby both terrifies and delights me.  And now you can understand (hopefully) my slackerness.  :)


  1. I seem to remember thinking it was totally appropriate and even expected that I simply lay on the couch all day, everyday, for as long as it took for me to stop barfing. Unless, of course, I was in the bathroom laying by the toilet waiting to barf. I also vaguely remember thinking I should pick up around the house a bit and then quickly dismissing that thought. I'm certain I was using all of my energy to build a new human or barf.

    You are amazing. Rest all you can. I can't hardly wait to meet this new person.

  2. Every time I remember that you're pregnant (since I am no longer near you) it's such a delightful memory! I am SOOO excited for baby #4!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!

  3. How exciting! I hope you are feeling better soon. It's true, something so small really turns your world upside down.

  4. Congrats!!! That is so wondeful for you and your little family. I remember how sick you were the first time, and I really hope you haven't been that sick. But one tiny bean sized baby is as good as excuse as any to feed everyone cookies for lunch :)

  5. Jessie! I love this post, love the news, love love love!

  6. yah! Congratulations!!!!! super excited for you and your family. I hope you are feeling better and can't wait to see the fun stuff you'll be doing for the little babe!

  7. I'm glad I'm not the only one who does that and I think you're perfectly justified! Congratulations!

  8. Congrats!!!! So so so exciting!

  9. I already congratulated you on FB, but I'll say it again! I'm so excited for you - and October is a fun month for a birthday. I love fall birthdays. I hope that you are feeling okay - I know what a rotten time you've always had. I hope you can find a good doctor in CA. I can't wait to hear more details. :)

  10. Woo-Hoo!! Congrats, congrats! Hope you stop feeling sick real quick! But, I also hope that your girls keep up the good cleaning =).
