
Project: Catch-Up Cailin's Jacket

Another thing Cailin was lacking back around her birthday, thanks to me leaving a big bag of jackets and coats at my parent's house, was a nice warm jacket.  I had an idea in my head of what I wanted it to look like, so I went ahead and bought some fleece and made this:
I made the pattern myself, based off of a shirt of hers, and a shirt pattern I tested for another blogger.  Like I said, I just bought the fleece (probably at JoAnn's, maybe Hancock's, can't remember), and the lining I've had for a couple years, actually--I think I got it from Walmart, but I just loved the simplicity of the colors and patterns, and I was excited to finally find a purpose for it.  It's almost become a dress so many times... I like it better in the jacket.  :)
You can kind of see in the photos, the jacket has a hood, and welted pockets.  Hoods are surprisingly easy.  I feel like adding them onto everything... but Cory thinks (in general, not just in my projects) they make things look sloppy.  He's probably right, but I know Cailin loves the hood, so I'm glad I added it.  :)  The pockets are the sloppiest part of the jacket--turns out fleece is hard to get to welt prettily.  Oh well, they're functional (Cailin showed me today that she'd put rocks, m'n'm's and cheez-it's in there), and Cailin loves loves loves having a "pock" (pocket).  
(You can see the lining better in this awesome pic.  :))
The only thing I didn't finish on the jacket were the buttons.  It still doesn't have them, and every time Cailin wears it, I wish it did.  I just don't have a buttonhole feature on my machine, and I dread doing them by hand, because I don't want to make the jacket ugly.  :)  Maybe I'll finish that sometime.

I wish I had a better picture of the front--there is a nice gathering detail that I think really makes the jacket cute, but you'll just have to settle for what I've got right now.  No time to take more pictures today.  :)


  1. I adore that jacket. And that girl.

  2. looks great! Very impressed you drafted that by hand. buy the sew-on snap buttons to finish. Easier to add than stupid button holes!
