
Project: Catch-Up Cailin's Quilt

So like I mentioned a couple posts ago, I do actually have quite a few projects and things that I want to share with you all, it's just taken me a while to get around to it.  So I'm hoping to have a series of posts with the Project: Catch-Up title.  Hope you guys enjoy it.  :)

First project--Cailin's big-girl bed quilt.  I've made each of my girls a blanket when they moved into a toddler bed.  Breanne's and Janey's were each just whole-cloth quilts that were tied, nothing fancy.  When Cailin's birthday came around this year, though, I decided to go a little more all-out.  I didn't feel like making her traditional blocks for a quilt (like the other girls' bunked quilts), but I wanted something sort of pieced.  So I did some online pattern searching, and some fabric shopping, and came up with this:

I know the whole craft world is in love with the chevron pattern lately, but I just couldn't resist the sweet simplicity of this quilt. It seemed like a great way to showcase all the prints without using a ton of any of them.  I love how it came out!

If you look closely, you can see that I pieced it with turned rectangles and squares, instead of triangles.  I love that I wasn't dealing with fabric cut on the bias--it made for many fewer extra stretching issues.  Also, there is orange in that fabric on the far right of the above photo, it's just a very small print, so it's hard to see.  It does pull all the fabric together in real life, though.  :)  All the printed fabrics are from the Denise Schmidt line at JoAnn's--I just couldn't resist them when I saw them all stacked together waiting to be put on the shelf (I got there during stocking one day).  Such fun patterns.  The border solid is a Kona cotton, and the white is just a regular muslin.  For the quilting, I just quilted 1/4" or so away from each of the chevron lines.  I really like how it all came together.   

And so does this person, which is what's really important anyway, right?  As soon as she saw me taking pictures, she dove into her bed, messed up the quilt, and said "Mine bed, mine ba (blanket)!  Take a pic a me, mom!"  So I did.

What do you think?


  1. Yay for blogging again! And who cares if chevron is trendy right now? It's adorable!! I'm glad Cailin thinks so too.

  2. I know chevron is the in thing, but it's in for a reason, because it's beautiful. What a great quilt.

    I made quilts (small ones) for each of my boys during my pregnancies with them. I love those quilts.

  3. It turned out great. I love he pattern and the fabric.

  4. looks great! the colors are so fun. I love that you pieced rectangles instead of triangles. Sooo much easier! Glad your little girl loves her quilt.

  5. I love the pattern and the fabric choices! It looks great!!

  6. It's SO cute and looks way professional!
    As for your pins... I know the excitement of new pins too... and someday when you can treat yourself, get a magnetic 'pin cushion'... they're amazing!

  7. Love the quilt and the pin cushion. Mine needs a make over too.

  8. Beautiful quilt! Love the colors.

  9. Super cute! I love the colors! I'd love for you to link up to Crafty Cousins.

    ~Natalie @ Crafty Cousins.

    Holla! We're your newest followers! :)
