
Happy Birthday Cory!

I love this man.

Here he is helping me create a chore chart for our girls (so far, so good!)
And here he is playing with the kids (but actually making them do math, sneaky!)
And here, you should note his hand.  We were headed to a party, in costume.  I love that he does silly stuff with me on occasion.
Here, he's attempting to teach Breanne to ride a bike without training wheels... she still hasn't figured it out, but not for Cory's lack of trying.
When I felt crappy and tired, he was willing to walk down to the water's edge with the girls to make sure they stayed safe.
And most of all, he continues to love me, even when I'm at my craziest.  I'm so, so lucky.
 Happy Birthday, Cory.

1 comment:

  1. I love the pictures of them down by the pond. So cute. And I'm not surprised at all that Cory turned play time into math time. And I have to ask... What was the costume?
