

While I was out in Utah, I got to spend a bunch of time with my mom.  It was pretty great, not gonna lie. My favorite parts included pedicures, and just the chatting while we drove and shopped.  Gotta admit, though, a close runner up was yardsaling (my mom calls it yardsailing.  I kind of like that, too).  She has these crazy friends that we go with (I actually really like them, and mostly don't think they're crazy, ha), and it's just really fun to go spend carefree time buying cheap stuff.

I thought I'd scored when I got a couple maternity skirts for a dollar, and a few tops and a pair of shorts (that fit today!  Hooray!).  But then.  Oh then.  We stumbled upon the mother load.  :)  A yardsale where the entire garage was full of tables with piles and piles (all neatly folded, mind you) of brand new fabric.  It was beautiful.  All fat quarters, half yards, and yard cuts, and all in pristine condition.  I might have thought it was heaven.  haha.  Anyway, they were selling it for $8.00/lb (probably not a great price), but I walked through and gathered up all the fabric I liked anyway, in hopes that they would negotiate.

And they did.  The guy who weighed my fabric held it up off the scale, so instead of being the 12 lbs it was, it was only 6.  And then when I only had enough money for 5 pounds, he quickly shouted "sold!" and tossed in the two vhs's I was picking up for the girls (Tarzan and Aristocats, movies we didn't have, but I like enough to own in vhs until they come out of the vault) for free.  So yes, I still spent $40 at a yard sale, but after I added up all the fabric, it was around 30 yards... for brand new, brand name fabric (mostly Moda and a little Riley Blake, in case you care).  I am so excited!  Can you tell?  A whole post about one yardsale purchase.  Ha.  I did promise the lady who was selling it that I would make beautiful things with it (she was NOT impressed with the man bargaining with me... haha), so you can definitely expect to see some of this in the near future.  :)


  1. This post totally captures why yard sailing is part of my life now. Time with friends, finding new clothing treasures, laughing at the crazy stuff people sell, and then every now and then, totally scoring. That was a fun fun day, so glad you liked it too! xo

  2. Amazing! I'm super jealous at the moment.

  3. I can't wait to see what you make! Such a lucky day!

  4. wow! that's awesome! Why was she selling brand new fabric for so darn cheap???
