

In July... 
we had some old friends from Provo come visit us.  We took a trip to the beach, and had a great time playing in the sand, once the girls decided it wasn't the worst thing ever to walk in it... :)

I still have this same pedicure... someone should come paint my toenails before this baby comes.

Just hanging out on the beach.

Cailin dressed herself to go play outside, and then asked me to take her picture by the fence (this is where I do most of my project photography, so she thinks it's important to take pics there).

We had a 24-week ultrasound to make sure my placenta had moved up... it had, and we're good.  Cute baby, huh!?
I love these two, and I love photo booth.  Everyone with kids needs to teach their kids how to use it, and then just let them do it.  :)

The girls did a little Wii yoga together.

I found this makeshift phone charger...

Breanne left me a few gems on my computer, this is one of my favorites.  Most are funny, this one kind of melted my heart.  

And a little bit of Cailin talking about how excited she was to go to Grandma and Grandpa's house in Utah.


  1. fun! Love the wii yoga. we have a wii fit, but I've never tried it with my guy! I'll have to do that.
