
On the plethora of new posts...

So I still don't have my computer back yet. However, we FINALLY ordered a new hard drive yesterday, so I should be up and running by the end of next week. I am so excited!! In the meantime, I realized that my parents had the family pics and stuff on their computer, and Cory had access to them, too, so I thought I'd post a bunch. There are still lots on my computer only that will have to be put up next week, but hopefully my 7 (now 8!) recent posts will satisfy your demands to see more of the girls until then. Thanks Cory and Dad for letting me use your computers for hours on end, and to Cory and Mom for watching the girls so I could have some computer time, finally.

1 comment:

  1. I have thoroughly enjoyed your plethora of posts. i love the family pictures! You guys are such a cute and fun family =).
