
Making Cookies Is Fun To Do

So back before my computer crashed, Breanne and I made some cookies while Janey was taking a nap. It was a lot of fun, and Breanne was super cute, so I snapped a few photos, of course...


  1. your daughter is absolutely ADORABLE!!! I love that fiery red hair! and I will agree that making cookies, etc with toddlers is surprisingly enjoyable! I love that you found my blog! and I had no idea you lived out here!

  2. okay I loved this post because Breanne looked so grown up rolling her own cookie dough and then...wham...final photo with the binky in the mouth. It cracks me up. I love binkies, I think they are so cute. But I worry about that weaning from the binky stage...yikes, good thing that's like 10 years off.

  3. I totally have to agree with Anna's comment. I was thinking the exact same thing about the binky! Ha Ha- it made me laugh!

  4. Jess, I'm glad you found me! I haven't a clue about searching for blogs; I'm too new at the whole thing.
    You look wonderful. I can't believe you have 2 kids-I feel old! Your kids are gorgeous. I love the red hair!
