
Chilling with Kilgers

I love that Katie takes after her dad, and is so good about taking pictures.  Here are a few she snapped this last Sunday while we were all visiting at the Kilger's home:

Breanne is such a ham.

Janey and Claire (2 months apart to the day) sitting with Grandma... Janey doesn't look so sure about this one...

Janey, mid happy squeal

Breanne and Kelly, building a big block tower

Claire and Breanne, trying to share marshmallows, I bet.


  1. The mid-squeal Janey post looks like she is more mid-belch to me :)

  2. I love that the tower is just as tall as she is! That was one of my favorite things to do when I was little...Build things just as large as me...

  3. I swapped out my photo for yours, Stu. I normally take out red-eye stuff, but in this case, I just took the pics directly from email to here, without using iPhoto in between, which is where I usually edit them. Maybe if I get ambitious during nap time today, I'll even fix the pic of Breanne playing with blocks.

  4. I think in the picture of the girls with Grandma Janey is really more unsure about Claire. Claire was just fascinated by her she kept going for her face. haha! And yes. That yellow cup does indeed contain marshmallows.

  5. I think the first picture of Breanne shows more CHEEESE than ham...

  6. Did I already mention how cute your little girls are? I came back to your blog today and glanced again at your photos and thought again how cute they both are! I love red hair. You probably get that a lot? Curly red hair is so cute too...double bonus...with a cute smiles thrown in! Wow!
